Everything meaningful we seek to be and to do is a “Work-in-Progress.”
Strategies. Innovations. Daily work. Methods. Ongoing meetings. Processes. Relationships. Brand. Teams. Expertise. Insights. Abilities.
All of it is a “Work-in-Progress" because all of our work is always human work.
This is why [bon]fire focuses on supporting leaders and teams with three types of “Work-in-Progress:
How might we advance impactful initiatives rooted in core values that successfully adapt?
How might we invest in ourselves to constantly grow as humans and succeed as teams?
How might we create purposeful conditions so that both our work and our people thrive?
[bon]fire’s beliefs:
The more innovative we seek to be as teams, the more our work must remain ever-changing, ever-responsive.
The more innovative we seek to be for another, the more we must be empathetic, curious, and adaptive to do so.
The more we seek to foster innovate cultures that support innovative projects and innovative people, the more we must create the conditions where all types of “Work-in-Progress” can truly flourish.
Thus, how we choose to work together undeniably impacts our future success. Or, how we choose to work is who we become.
[bon]fire‘s “Work-in-Progress” centered services - see below - are how we help leaders + teams shape remarkable futures together.
All client engagements are unique. Thus, [bon]fire’s responses + roles are unique. Typical ways that we support others’ “Work-in-Progress” —
Vision: anchoring a team’s or person’s ‘why’ to define long-term Goals while highlighting ongoing Identity, Brand + Story.
Co-Writing: helping clients write project Design Briefs + RFPs to shape their future, including working with a diverse range of professional consultants.
Research: exploring purposeful questions to develop actionable Insights + Foresights, as well as to understand useful best practices, patterns, and outliers.
Planning: prototyping future-facing planning projects — Organizational planning (roadmap + goals); Architectural planning (space + place); + Program planning (experiences + programs); etc.
Experience Design: considering how experience design can activate a team’s project as well as ways experience design becomes the way the team works together.
Gatherings: designing and facilitating transformational community gatherings via Retreats, Conferences | Summits, Events, real-world Expeditions, and Digital Cohorts.
Training: guiding a variety of professional learning Workshops, Courses + Team Cohorts — both in person and virtually.
Coaching: serving as an active mentor (and sounding board) to support the unique, ongoing development of Leaders + Teams in personal growth and working capacity.
Speaking + Keynotes: taking an on-stage role to help support clients (+ their communities) in exploring new possibilities for the future ahead.